It's time to ground! Keep your Root Chakra balanced! October 16, 2018Greetings! We are grateful for your interest in our offerings and to show our appreciation we are presenting you with a new series of free Chakra Balancing articles where you...
Sacred is all around you! May 30, 2018What is sacred? What qualifies a thing or experience to be deemed as sacred to us? Is there some special quality or an effect on our emotion or feeling that makes one thing sacred and not the...
Art for the people! May 5, 2018The most fulfilling thing about being an artist is to see how your creation is affecting people. Often when I setup my banners at a new venue or event I like...
Out of the heart into the world! How creativity is born! April 27, 2018I am always amazed at the process of creation of a new design. How it begins at first with a whisper of an idea, a subtle inspiration and like a seed sprouting somewhere deep within my...