Animated Art: The Frame

The SkyloveArt Frame is a small device to create beautiful exhibits of animated art flowing in a continuous motion. The Frame connects to almost any digital screen or display and is preloaded with art from Skylove's 'Luminescent Series'. These images were specially created to use in the Frame, they shimmer and shine and come alive on the screen, radiating rich colors and light to enliven any space! 

The SkyloveArt Frame comes with a remote to enable you to play a single image, rotate through the entire collection in a slideshow, or pause the animation for that conventional art on canvas look. Your art collection can be also easily expanded with new designs, as they become available. 

The SkyloveArt Frame Controller



Designs Included with the SkyloveArt Frame

Below are the images from the 'Luminescent Series' that come preloaded with the SkyloveArt Frame. Each piece is a message of hope, healing, and awakening of our true potential. Drawing influence from nature and ancient wisdom, they serve as colorful portals for the mind to step into a higher dimension.





The 'Luminescent Series' is now available as collectible NFTs
Click here to find out more!